Bond Cleaning

Cleaning for Bond Back is a dedicated cleaning service that we offer to our customers that happen to be vacating of their rental property. It requires a complete clean-up of the premises, including all spaces, surfaces, appliances, and fixtures to make sure that the premises is left in perfect state for the upcoming tenant. Our Bond Cleaning service is formulated to fulfill the high standards set by property owners and property managers, and we provide a promise that our patrons will get their bond returned as a result of our tidy-up assistance. Our charges starts at a reasonable $one hundred and forty-nine dollars, making our Bond Cleaning service economical and accessible to all.

Bond Cleaning 101: What You Need to Know

Moving out of a rental home can be stressful particularly when cleaning up the property prior to moving out. One of the most frequently asked queries asked by renters is whether or not a bond cleaning is required prior to leaving.